
Rebecca reaches 1 million subscribers!

Watch any of Rebecca Moore’s videos and you will immediately see the energy and joy with which she entertains viewers all over the world. Rebecca has recently reached the significant milestone of 1 million subscribers to her YouTube channel (Rebecca Vocal Athlete), an achievement that sets her apart from many competitors, and is down to her dedication, charming personality and desire to bring joy to the world through singing and music. 

My coaching sessions with Rebecca began earlier this year, but her journey to becoming a YouTube personality began much earlier. In 2012, she launched her channel, but made only occasional video uploads, so it took her till 2018, a full six years later, to reach her first 1,000 subscribers. But recovering from a tumour in 2016 made her reassess her life and inspired an awakening. She realised that she truly wanted to focus on her creative expression and share it with the world so that others could join in with her passion and feel good too. A little over 2 years since hitting the 1k subscriber mark, she now has over 1 million subscribers, 187 million views and just recently made her first sponsored video. She is growing from strength to strength. She also has a regular roster of clients to whom she provides singing coaching.

What makes Rebecca unique is that she is multi-talented. She is a singer, teacher, entertainer, comedian, and impressionist. In addition, her personality is magnetic. She is self-aware, empathic, passionate, funny, likeable, and quirky. She connects deeply with her viewers, providing a variety of demographics with entertainment and education. The reams of comments on her videos show how much her audience loves her and looks forward to her next video. She brings a light into people’s lives and that’s why they keep coming back for Moore. 

It is high time that Rebecca hosted her own TV show!

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Sarah’s Secret to finding true love

Sarah Louise Ryan has been in the dating industry since 2011 yet her journey to success and happiness really began in 2016 when she experienced her own heartbreak whilst running a global matchmaking agency. The heartbreak she suffered was a pain too heavy to bare and so, each day, she wrote about her grief in a blog called the ’30 Days of Heartbreak’. Her daily readership quickly grew to 3,500 people who were also suffering from broken hearts and who found Sarah’s writing helped them put their pieces back together again.

Sarah has learned several valuable lessons during her career, especially how important it is for us to forgive ourselves for not having the foresight to see what we now know in hindsight. She also discovered that sharing her vulnerability helped her heal herself, many others, and catapulted her passion and career in the dating industry even further.

When Sarah first came to me for coaching, she was running a matchmaking agency on behalf of others, but she was overwhelmed, struggling with time management and feeling a sense of burnout. It is such a joy to see how her determination, intelligence, warmth, and natural listening ear, have lead to her creating such success. She is now a full-time dating expert and the founder of with a love hub of matchmakers and coaches dedicated to helping others navigate the often fraught world of dating and relationships so that they can find, build and deepen loving partnerships.

Sarah also hosts a radio show devoted to “The Search for Love Offline” dubbed Love Lessons, and she has had her writing featured in many high-profile publications including: Cosmopolitan, Forbes, Grazia, Huffpost, BBC, Business Insider and the London Evening Standard.

Sarah is a truly gifted and caring person, and if ever you need guidance with your love life, she is the one to ask.

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Monisha lights up the world

Monisha Edwards is a shining example of what is possible with strategic focus, hard work and imagination. Her story shows the resilience of a small business owner through the pandemic and her mission to provide the world with a positive experience and encourage mental wellbeing.

When I met Monisha for her first coaching session in April 2018, she was in a difficult situation. She had taken several months off from running her company, Truth Branding Agency, to care for her father, who had been paralysed in a violent assault. Monisha was tired, feeling low, with little income and unsure what the future held. However, she had a desire for change, which meant she was responsive to coaching and within a few sessions she went from being without strategy or clients, to having a clear mission and five paying clients. From then on she has grown in confidence, knowledge and ability, using all these assets to create commercial success through her businesses and positively impact countless clients and customers.

When the COVID-19 pandemic worsened and people were confined to their homes, Monisha wanted to do something to lighten the lives of those around her. A good friend of hers asked for Quarantine and Chill candles, and Monisha knew straight away that this gift could help many others too. So she decided to craft an entire experience focused on relaxation and wellbeing. 

Monisha added playlists for each candle to create a vibe and relaxing environment while social distancing at home. Now her company Scent & Fire, which creates products to promote self-care and mental wellness, is going viral. Monisha says, "Everyone needs to participate in self-care right now due to the chaos that is currently going on in the world”, and the world is starting to agree. Monisha’s efforts mean that she and her candles have been featured on, Fox News, America This Week with Eric Bolling, and The Today Show.

Scent and Fire is selling thousands of candles every month and Monisha is in discussion to supply to major retailers. I wish Monisha ever greater success, and I have no doubt she will achieve it.